Apply Now
If you would like to find out if you qualify for a service dog you can fill out our online application. There is no application fee and we will respond within 72 hours.
You can support our mission by helping reduce the cost of service dogs for those in need with a one-time or monthly donation.

Amazing Tails takes great pride in providing the highest level of support to our clients. We offer support groups, training information, and communication tools to ensure your success.
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Our Mission
Our mission is to assist the physically disabled by providing affordable service dogs that are individually trained to meet the specific needs of every one of our valued clients.
Our Fundraising Goal
To reduce the cost of acquiring a service dog.

Amazing Tails is a Delaware nonprofit organization that helps people with physical disabilities.
There is perhaps nothing more important and empowering for a person than independence. For people with disabilities, the guiding principles of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness are not simple and cannot be taken for granted.
Since 1999, Amazing Tails has trained dogs to assist people maintain a safe and independent existence by helping with every day tasks such as, aiding a person in maintaining or regaining their balance, assisting someone in a wheelchair, alerting to possible health risks like seizures, hearing a ringing phone or a fire alarm, or simply providing companionship.
Nestled in the hills of Oxford in southeastern Pennsylvania, Amazing Tails trains each service dog to meet the specific needs of each and every client.
Our location allows us to expose the dogs we train to a wide range of training experiences, including training in our on-site training facility, Daily exercise, visits to Amish farms and exposure to urban environments in big cities such as Philadelphia and Washington, D.C.
Client Experiences
Brady has changed my life in so many ways and I owe it all to Amazing Tails (AT). I always had animals in my life but never knew what a difference a service animal would make to me. After suffering a …
Tannia delapaz
My experience with Amazing Tails staff and dogs has been life changing. My daughter suggested I get a dog for my seizures and balance. To be honest I thought ok well this most likely isn’t going to …
Jennifer Barnes