Amazing Tails Service Dog
Puppy Raiser Program
Amazing Tails is looking for service dog puppy raisers in Oxford, PA and surrounding areas. You must be close enough to attend classes at a minimum of twice a month. All members of the house must agree to the guidelines that Amazing Tails provides.

Please fill out the following application. Once you submit your application, an Amazing Tails trainer will contact you within 2 business days (usually sooner). If you qualify for the program, we will schedule an in-person interview in Oxford, PA.
Please be thoughtful with your answers and fill out all of the questions with complete answers. Don’t tell us what you think we want to hear. Nobody is perfect. We want to know more about you. Just because you have a dog or cat, doesn’t mean that you are disqualified. We need to know more about your living situation. Dogs can have different needs. This helps us ensure that we place the right dog with the right puppy raiser.