Jul 20, 2017 | Client Experiences, Final Training
Today Mason and I are celebrating our first full month as a working team. We are still getting to know each other but I have earned his trust and loyalty and there is no shortage of that to go around with this dog. I got my second official alert last night, and it...
Jul 17, 2017 | Client Experiences, Final Training
Today is a very exciting yet sad day for me. I am very excited to begin my Journey with Mason F. Labradoodle back in Fort Lauderdale. Although our training had its ups and downs, I would consider it a huge success. I am sad because I love Joan, Leslie, and the rest of...
Jul 15, 2017 | Client Experiences, Final Training
Today is what I would call a successful failure. We have been trying to find a place with loud, live music so we can introduce Mason to that environment. For those of you who know me well, you know that I love music. I go to music festivals, concerts, and sometimes...
Jul 10, 2017 | Client Experiences, Final Training
Today was a weird day. We have been working so hard that we decided to to take it easy…at least it started that way. I was able to sleep in until 9. We went to the vet to get Mason F.’s exit exam, stopped at Wawa for coffee then headed to Gap, PA to see my...
Jul 3, 2017 | Client Experiences, Final Training
Today was a special day. We went to the King of Prussia mall. Joan Bussard gave me a list of 10 tasks to complete on my own so we could evaluate the skills we have been practicing. I made a few mistakes but caught myself and corrected them. What made things special...
Jun 29, 2017 | Client Experiences, Final Training
Today was very successful at the Philadelphia Zoo. We worked on refining the skills that we have been working on for the past nine days. The stairs are finally coming together. Although I have been making a few mistakes, Joan and Leslie said that I received a 9 out of...